Author: rachelvb
Speed. My body.
Pieces of paper are everywhere. Have you noticed? Notes, receipts, wrappers, drawings. I pick them up to see what people have to say, what they buy. The drawing of a pink cat lays face up on the sidewalk. A child did this: whiskers, ears, no body. Maybe it was a gift for someone. A gift…
Kiss me, and you will see how important I am – S.P.
Today is cold, misty. I’m thinking of the red fox I’ve seen in dreams since I was a teenager. She is my totem and my god. I’m hoping to see her again soon. I am waiting to follow her. This morning, I’m eating raspberry buttermilk cake that Pat baked last night. The fruit, pressed by…
Forever unclean
Apparently there’s a toilet in the ladies bathroom that likes to completely humiliate people … granted we do bad things in it … but that’s why it was born. And it’s revolting and needs to be put in its place. At 2:05 PM it exploded toilet water right into my face. I can only tell…
A mouse is a mouse
In the grocery store a little boy was using a helium birthday balloon as a punching bag while his grandma and sisters mulled over canned tomatoes. I was passing him or soon to be passing him and he saw me and stopped punching the balloon. But he stopped too soon and right as I passed…
Shit Shine
Today, I won the shit shine award for many backlogged shit shines. Sometimes at work we get pictures of feet or fingernails or hip replacements or car bows and we have to design the shit out of it and make it magical. I have been designing shit for most of my career so far and…
Days after
The fog parts, but you’re still foggy. And tired. Floating on churned water into a realm that blends sea/sky. There are no distinct lines. Sliced wood drifts by. Then a drowning chest, an oar. And behind you the entire ship is a battled body. You set sail years before bound by duty. There is nothing…
I think pat made me partially deaf in one ear. I’m not even joking. On Friday, he made this horrifically loud kissing/Suck noise right over my ear, I’m talking concert level point blank IN MY EAR and I googled all this crap about temporary hearing loss called “threshold shifts” and if it’s been longer than…
Too much coffee, too many trips, not enough work, too much work. I run around people’s ankles like an annoying shit dog and then stare into space. My body is completely still while my heart backs up under my ribs, oozing through the sewer grate. Somedays inside me is completely insane. Somedays the smallest statement…
I’ve had strange dreams this week ranging from the most amazing cookies only I have ever seen (because it was in my head: think chocolate fudge peanut butter layer cake IN A COOKIE) to being an rockstar soccer player in Mexico and being featured in a super artsy documentary. This morning, I had a dream…
Drunken Poets spread the word
The Drunken Poets from Andy Knowlton on Vimeo. We should all start doing things like this!