Author: rachelvb
I have no idea how to even do that
My good (well only) friend here is moving back to NYC to work for People magazine. We both started on the same day and became friends like two new girls become friends in kindergarten: Hi, are you new? Yes. Oh me too, do you like crayons? (Or in our case coffee.) We went out a…
Friday Storm
We’re getting a crazy storm today – black skies, overblown deck furniture, sideways rain. We may even get hail the size of PENNIES. It’s “the end of times” kind of storm according to co-workers. “It looks like nighttime outside! It’s freaking me out!” the natives say. It’s called weather, I yell. To which I get…
Where can I go?
This girl moves about every bone in my body. There aren’t that many artists anymore that I seriously cannot wait for their next album to come out, but Laura Marling is my zen and moves the shit out of me (not literally. Literally she moves something much prettier). Here’s her new single I’m not even…
I think I need one of those voice activated keyboards because whenever I’m driving around town or walking or riding the light rail; whenever my body is still, but the world is moving, my mind is running running on words. And then I get here and I forget all of it or the weight of…
Baring myself
I want to be brave. I want to take self-portraits walking down the street, listening to music – the white cords framing my face – the sun in my eyes, the blue and palm trees quilling. I want to send them to you so you remember I exist. Out there in a world away from…
The days lately have been really hard to get through. Hours drag their feet. Minutes pass into more days, into more dragging hours and at this moment I wonder what the point is. What are we living for? Any of us? To take the train to work everyday, sit at a desk, take the train…
Spring: the loose woman
I don’t remember the trees having this many shadows. Long teeth cutting the concrete. I walk under the branches and through their mouths. Spring has come to me early. I didn’t have to run or wade through the cold for long. Above me blossoms smell like a woman’s insides. Fertile and falling softly to the…
Random Thursday
Today is my late day at work. Arrive at 11, go home at 7. I don’t mind putzing around in the morning, except on Thursday, the only day I can really sleep in, is the only day our complex brings the yard maintenance guys in at 7:30 in the morning. So I’ve been up; listening…
I think I'm ready
God has it really been a week since I’ve posted? God almighty. I have so much to say and then nothing to say. My limbs are tired. It’s raining. This morning before the sun came up (the sun which we can’t even see today, cloaked in clouds), there was a downpour on our roof, the…