Can I cause a storm?

I went to bed angry. Furious and angry and I hear you aren’t supposed to do that, but I also hear that Pluto’s not a planet and beer is bad for you. And I don’t believe any of that. But oh what power going to bed angry can do! The wind was terrible last night. Terrible for some, but feeding for itself. It was ravenous and swallowing leaves and air and tree limbs. The lightning followed and woke us up in the middle of the night more than once. The wind and the thunder in November! It’s because I was angry. Marylinn talks about super powers today and I can’t help but think that maybe maybe maybe the anger in the world and in me could cause such a storm. But then again, that’s crazy talk.


4 responses to “Can I cause a storm?”

  1. Perhaps one of your powers is being aligned with natural elements, stormy indoors, stormy out. This would not surprise me, with my belief that it is all connected. We are well advised not to underestimate our powers.

    1. We are much more connected that we let on. I’d like to think I brought the rain. Wacky things happen when we ignore our powers. Things tend to misfire more when we try to keep them contained.

  2. I hear you, Rachel, and want to say ‘Wow. Potent stuff!’

    The question you raise re; whether we have power to create a storm is a valuable one, I think. I do believe that the conversations we carry around in our heads – the ‘stuff’ of being human and, perhaps more importantly, our relationship to it – have significance, relevance and power.

    In the same way a drop of contaminant in a Northern hemisphere ocean will sooner or later reach the Southern hemisphere shores, so too a kind thought or generous gesture can travel the global air waves and offer balm to some unknown person in a far-off place?

    I think we do well to know and release our anger – sometimes there is no other way. And anger can be as cleansing and energizing as a storm; it need not be destructive. It can be purging and transformative. Anger with a prayer attached would be something, wouldn’t it?

    I’m reflecting on anger a fair bit at the moment, too, Rachel, Marylinn – and have to accede I have more in me than I realized and that it can indeed be a force to be reckoned with. We have to know it first, though, in order to reckon with it?

    Anger can lead to justice. It can be a motivating force, a healer. And the rain that comes with the storm – or, in our case, our tears – can be deeply restorative.

    Love to you both, Claire xo

    1. I wonder, too, if it can be said that nature also has a power over us? We feel the energy mounting. Although I know at times when I’m upset I notice the drearier days when they match my mood. That’s not always the case, but we notice that which is similar in mood.
      You’ve raised the whole “Butterfly Effect” in a way. The flick of a wing on one side can mount to a tsunami on the other. But I’d like to think that generosity can work in such was as well and not create devastation, but warmth.

      I’ve always been leery to release anger. Call it upbringing, I’m not sure. I suppose it’s scared me in a way. But perhaps I should look more toward nature. She gets pissed and doesn’t care because it’s how she’s feeling at the moment. And we stand back in her power of storms, we watch them, we photograph them, we wait for them to happen and put them on the news.

      I’ve never thought of anger as a healer and thank you for the new perspective. We do absolutely have to know it first to deal with it second. Otherwise we would be in a terminal state of anger which is never a good thing.

      Take your time, Claire, in whatever anger you may be feeling.

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