Tula curled into me last night. It was finally cool enough, it felt like winter the way she curls into us in the cold weather when her thick hair isn’t such a hindrance. She was under the covers, head towards my knees, I was on my side and she streeeeeeeeetched her muscly legs onto my chest  the way children touch your skin and your breasts without knowing or caring that only “certain” people touch you there. Finally, she rearranged herself. She fell asleep with her head nestled against my stomach and for the first time in a while, I could actually feel myself breathing, the rise and fall, her head a small paperweight.


2 responses to “Tula Bear”

  1. Beautiful writing, Rachel. Did you know that the word ‘tula’ in Zulu means ‘hush’? xo

    1. Claire!
      I did hear that somewhere along the way, but forgot it until now. She certainly doesn’t HUSH when I yell her name at 2 in the morning for howling down the halls. It’s funny because her full name is “Spatula” and the only reason I agreed (Pat’s idea) was he said we could call her Tula and I loved Tula. It fits her. She’s a nut. Just this morning, she wanted to play and latched on to my ankle. =)
      Hope you are well.

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