Yesterday was long. I don’t feel like writing all the details. I went to bed at 2:30 am in the fresh year of 2011. I watched the ball drop at some good friends’ house where they treated us like kings with all the food: Fresh figs and brie and bread, shrimp cocktail, bruschetta, scallops and shrimp in a tomato concasse, stuffed mushrooms, chicken pâté which I tried and will never try again – not so much because of how it tasted, but because of what it is. And for dinner! Lobster tail, pot roast stuffed with spinach and shitake mushrooms, garlic mashed potatoes and carrots simmered in white wine and thyme.

Someone also brought a bottle of Dom Perignon they received as a gift and while it was tasty I’m not sure why someone would pay $140 for a bottle of champagne. No matter, I didn’t buy it and I feel more fancy for drinking it. It was a wonderful time and the only thing missing was my Pat Pat who is breathing in as much fresh Montana/Idaho air as he can and I hope he brings some home for me.


My boots – well I suppose I’ll be wearing the old ones until the literally fall off my feet. I saw some great ones – tall and strong and soft leather – it was like picking a horse for breeding or picking a horse, the fastest horse, the most beautiful horse, the black horse with studs. The boots were all of those beautiful earth colors that horses are when they turn gold in the sunlight.

Sadly – my feet are the most average-sized feet on the planet and every one had already bought my fabulous boots, all the fabulous boots that I liked. And they were 50% off which was perfect for me. Someone should have told them i was coming. The quest continues…

I did however get some short boots that I’m calling my poet boots because they are black and lace up, come to the ankle and you’re not quite sure if these boots could march off to war and kick squirrels or lounge on cool tables drinking cool drinks smoking cool smokes. That’s what poets do, don’t they – kick squirrels and smoke cool smokes? I wouldn’t know.

Meanwhile I have to clean my whole house for company tonight – my very favorite people minus two or five others of my very favorite people are coming over. We are making Mexican from this beautiful (not a Mexican like an actual Mexican – Mexican food) cook book I bought her for Christmas. And we’ll watch football and drink beers and EAT! and her son will probably chase the cat and ask me why I don’t have any toys at my house and stomp on the floor because he likes to hear the echo of the basement downstairs and her 7 year old daughter will probably act like she’s 30 and ask me how work is going and grab me another beer and then say something so profound to wrap up the night her mother and I will be crying. And I hope Sophia and her mom are planning on spending the night – that was the plan – because I bought new flannel sheets and the house will be all clean and we’ll eat junk food and watch ‘Little House on the Prairie’ and wonder why little girls weren’t really allowed to play baseball and in the creek with frogs. I turned out all right.


4 responses to “The first day of many”

  1. It sounds like a perfect way to spend an evening!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog earlier this week. I hope you come again sometime.

    You are a wonderful writer. And those boots are saying something, too.

    1. Angella,
      It was a wonderful evening. They are such comfort to me.
      I will definitely come again! You have a beautiful family.
      And thank you. That means so much to me to hear you say that.
      And about the boots too! =) I get good looks and bad ‘who is this crazy woman’ looks, but I don’t care, I don’t care at all! I adore my boots.
      Happy New Year!

  2. Sounds like you’ve begun the New Year in style and among friends and good food—who could ask for anything better? I’m sorry you didn’t get your awesome boots, but I like the idea of
    your ‘poet boots’ very much. I hope 2011 is full of richness and astonishment and generosity and kindness, lots of poetry, less fear, and knowing you are cared about by people you don’t even know. Melissa

    1. It was wonderful, thank you. A good end to a looong week.
      I am quickly falling in love with my poet boots. They have a certain “fuck you” look to them and they make me happy. I did today find some pretty awesome tall boots that were more than half off which makes them even more awesome and they had my size and I think they were meant to be.
      I hope you are well and your year is full of just as much as you wished for me – and more.
      It is a beautiful day here, unseasonably warm and I’m sending you some of the sunshine.

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