I'm up!

Well the photos are in and the designs are in and some minor tweaking here and there, a new writing page soon, a fresh coat of paint and she’s up, she’s up!!! Have a looks-y around. I hope you all like it!


4 responses to “I'm up!”

  1. Love it. It’s sort of vintage and homey yet strikingly original and holding surprises, too. Beautiful.

    1. Angella,
      Thank you! That’s sort of what I was going for – the vintage and comfortable and lovely. I’m glad you are finding hidden surprises – I think I may find some as well in the coming months. At least, I hope!

  2. Better and better…the photo slideshows (I thought I recognized the Neptune pool), your page designs which I really enjoyed…I agree with Angella, a unique look which pulls together elements from different corners of your life (as we know it). Very rich. xo

    1. The Neptune pool! ahh home =)
      Well you will be happy to know that you are getting some of the best parts of my life – of course not all, but the big parts that make me feel as if I’m really living it, the creative parts.
      Thank you for your unending comfort.

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