Follow the yellow brick road

I’m supposed to be looking at routes to take for my journey, then relay those routes to my mom who will then go to AAA to get maps – real live paper maps that no one uses anymore because we all have smart phones – at least one person out of 2 in a vehicle will.

Here’s my road plan in case you all were wondering: I’ll get on one and drive.

Because I have a river trip in the middle of July, Pat’s going to stay in PA and work for that month, then move out with all of our stuff and the kitty in August and my hope is to have an apartment waiting for them in Phoenix.
In the meantime, when I leave on Sunday, my mom and I are driving to Oklahoma City (hence the paper maps) where we will be until July 7 at which point we (my step-dad, mom, various friends and me) are driving up to Idaho with all our rafting gear to sit on a river for a week.
After I’m thoroughly filthy with river water and dirt, we are driving BACK to Oklahoma City where my car will be waiting and I’ll take off from there to Phoenix to find said apartment.

Are you following me? I’m not.

I’ll try to post from the road as best I can with my thumbs and said smart phone, but this is just a brief heads up that if I say I’m in Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky, Illinois, Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho and/or maybe Montana (all depending on routes of course) please don’t put a hold on my credit cards.


2 responses to “Follow the yellow brick road”

  1. Got it. I still do, and always will, love paper maps, Thomas Guides. Without a smart phone, I have to trust Google to find me directions when I need them and my own plotting on paper is more accurate at least 80% of the time. Quite a summer ahead of you, Miss Rachel. xo

    1. rachvb Avatar

      I looked at an electronic map of the US and I’ll let my mom figure out the rest. maps are ready and in her luggage. But I think we may be headed through Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, tennessee, Arkansas to OK. I’ve never seen tennessee and am looking forward to that one! xo

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