Do you think there's love on the backside of a black hole?

Sometimes being in blogland webland makes me feel lost and unimportant, sitting in my own corner picking my toenails and popping up every so often to interject. I’ve always been that way, I think, more comfortable with a wall at my back to lean and curl into. I like to watch and listen and peep out when I have something important to say – not that this is particularly important, but being in webland reminds me of a conversation Pat and I had last night about the universe. He’s been watching shows on Netflix about the origins narrated by the man-crushable Mike Rowe. We were lying in the dark, cars sounding every so often lighting the curtains and we started talking about how undefinable space is, how massive the universe is. Did you know there’s a black hole in the center of our galaxy pulling everything in? I didn’t. And did you know that no one has ever seen the other side of one? I guess I never really thought about there BEING another side to a black hole and all the theories surrounding what’s behind it – time travel, galaxy travel, universe upon universe of space that we’ll never be able to grasp. There could be worm holes leading us into the past or future or no where in particular. Or there could be nothing. No one knows, they’ve never been able to get close enough.
“Do you know why they think our planet has water?” Pat said.
No clue
Apparently the theory is that meteors and asteroids started colliding together and the mass kept getting bigger and bigger and those space meteors left over from the big bang each carried a different element, water, minerals, all the things that make life possible – they just started ramming into each other until it got big enough that it developed a gravitational pull, formed a sphere and made our planet. We were just close enough to the sun for things to grow and just far away enough that the heat didn’t evaporate the water and ARE YOU KIDDING ME do you realize how many odds there are that we are ALIVE, that we even EXIST? All the tiny particles and series of events and emerging from the sludge! And why do we look the way we do? Why two hands, two feet, two eyes, one heart and why is the heart on the left and how did we find each other and how did we fall in love and how is any of this possible?!
I swear, staring at the black ceiling trying to grasp just how big the universe is, I have never felt so small and wonderful in my life.


6 responses to “Do you think there's love on the backside of a black hole?”

  1. ‘Tis all a miracle alright. . . Love this post, Rach. We ponder the same questions, the kind that make us feel tiny and new-skin shiny, beyond time and age, ancient as the stars. . . nothing and everything at once xo

    1. It’s good every so often to stop and really think about how small we are. We get so caught up in money and success and our roles in society, but when you think what pions we are in reality it makes all that other stuff less important. I mean it’s amazing we are alive at all, that all these amazing events took place for us to even exist!

  2. (not a) PS. I am ever so glad you’re in the universe and that we found each other out here. xo

    1. I think we find and hang on to the right people in our lives. I am glad, too. I hope you are well and enjoying your spring almost summer (is it summer yet?)

  3. Such things as us finding each other cause me to believe there is some sort of order in the apparent chaos. We have been watching, for the first time, DR. WHO, time traveler extraordinaire and I walk around singing what I remember of THE BIG BANG THEORY theme song…”the Earth began to cool the autotrophs began to drool Neanderthals developed tools we built a wall – we built the pyramids…” so astrophysics are pretty much a theme around here in one form or another. I am content being a speck of the infinite. xo

    1. ha! That’s for the show right? I haven’t seen that show really, a couple minutes here and there. Sometimes I wish I was smart enough to understand and study space, but then I realize I like not knowing and I like being phased by it all. We study and study and sometimes the wonder is lost a little bit. But I don’t think that will ever happen with the stars.

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