Category: Poetry

  • Politely rejected poem, slightly revised, I'm reclaiming the title (they picked, I wrote, but I think I can do better)

    Red Car in the Future Stalled in a grease spot, your tongue slithers down my leg my oil, sweat Red nail polish flecks your mouth, my toes Arco,Idaho– Years miraged on Number Hill fading in the light thin wings on the grill Welcome signs, Atomic power can’t seduce dry beds.  “The Big Lost River is…

  • The Auto-Destructor’s Masterpiece

    Canvas stretched He smeared gesso like semen scumbled ribs, bore a girl glazed in kerosene, linseed oil Her pointillistic eyes praised by curators The rendering, he left unsigned

  • Distance between two moths

    Your dirty clothes neatly packed our hips grind, the aroma scours sheets. Atlas moths brace the walls captured lips part like wings – a coffee mug’s entomology My last order: cream, no sugar squeeze the pulp The bed, our sky is unmade

  • Stationary at Midnight

    From the backseat of my car you dip a cigarette into the night’s deep pool the ripples of ash fall away like whispers of rain or skin – the way people tiptoe into dust in the corners of their smooth floors. Someday we’ll all leave each other and I’ll never know what your eyes are…

  • Reading of 'Two Bodies'

    Someday I will actually have to do this and it scares the crap out of me, so this is me sticking a pinkie toe in the pool and then running back to my towel while the lifeguard yells at me for running. Two Bodies

  • Two bodies

    The ocean drifts at my hips then back an undercurrent hungry for my suit. Water pulls his palms over unshaved sticks licks the sweat from my cool melon legs. I feel him in and out of my toes watch the pool of me – metallic sun screened skin – bob like sheets on his wide…

  • Bluebird

    Red lips bloom through the glass, a reflection of her lying back. Blue blooms emerge on her calves like withered buds with the end of spring. She wraps herself in Pashmina soap, shaves her skin in the bathwater. Soap drips, bursts, wakes. It unravels in the water like some semen snake. Love is a close…

  • Night Mare

    What a Night Mare as if this dark horse threw a shoe “Fuck it,” she said I like sneaking Pretty soon religion will be free and then what will we believe in? God’s war accept he never signed the check and left the waitress with the bill Do people still get Tweety Bird tattoos? a…

  • Feed her life

    The blood-moon-month comes, rising full above the trees. Each night, in the shadow, I wait to see her, sleep and dream of her in a white dress, before she leapt off that ledge into teeth-green wealds. Somehow, I always found the strength to catch, to hold her weeping eyes before they shed into blood-emerald pools.…

  • Trick of Spring

    After your hands shredded ribbons up my neck I saw the lawn release itself from its white cast underneath it was decay a smothered-color green Your warmth was like a trick of spring now I watch it snow again one two three four five six seven more inch upon inch of your heavy chill a…