Jason de Caires Taylor

Artist Jason de Caires Taylor
creates life-size human figures and submerges them in the sea. As time goes on, they become home to reefs and fish. These remind me of Atlantis or some underwater shrine.


2 responses to “Back to the Sea”

  1. At first glance, I thought they were living people (good at breath-holding)…things underwater that seem to belong somewhere else have always called to me, repelled and attracted. Can you imagine all that IS at the bottom of the sea? xo

    1. I did too!! Startled me. It’s so misunderstood, the sea. I’m fascinated by the wreckage. Everything she’s consumed. But I loved this because it seemed like an ode to her, a shrine. Something beautiful of our bodies we could give back. A gift in a sense. xo

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