Author: rachelvb
Do you understand?
“I’ve been here two years, but spent one in the hospital.” A mangled woman presses flyaways against here head. The grease holds them. She sips soda from a McDonald’s cup, but if there’s anything my dad taught me fast food cups are good camouflage for alcohol, so she sips something cold keeping her warm. A…
Coming out of your closet – Ash Beckham
“I think we all have closets. Your closet may be telling someone you love her for the first time; or telling someone that you’re pregnant; or telling someone that you have cancer; or any of the other hard conversations we have throughout our lives. All a closet is is a hard conversation.” – Ash Beckham
Winter is beginning and ending
I’ve been so closed off. And I know it. I’ve been afraid to rip myself open, to write on bone. Maybe not so much afraid as tired. I’ve been tired and missing a spark. Perhaps this has been my winter. In a climate that has few seasons, my body still creates them. Trees grow around…
Happy Hollarweeney!
Can you imagine it’s hard to work today?! Our boss set out a vat of candy that probably cost him $80 so we have to eat it ALL out of principle and driving to work as two face was an interesting voyage. Anywho… I have a prose poem coming out in an online zine called…
Ugly truths
What happens when you really let someone go? Really let someone go, not just moving across the country or unfriending them on (ugh) Facebook, but when you really begin to purge their presence in your body; the memories, smells, clothes that no longer fit so they gifted to you? I’ve been trying at night, when…
So I haven't been here…
because this took over my entire dining room table for about a month: Which is entirely made out of card stock and a little burlap and a little cork. But I’ve also been training for digital design and also designing a holiday cookbook and also designing the same cookbook in iPad/digital form and also doing…
Joshua Tree with my brother Joshua (and Pat and soon-to-be-sister-in-law-Cindy)
The first night, Pat and I counted a combined 25 shooting stars. When I was a little girl, someone told me that shooting stars were dying stars and for some reason that stuck in my mind despite me knowing that dying stars, stars just like our sun, become supernovas and if we were that close…
I guess I was a little bottled up … randoms
Tuesday, I went to see Andrea Gibson at a small gallery in downtown Phoenix. The building was brick painted over white and old i.e. NO AIR CONDITIONING and for the love it’s still over 100 degrees here. Fall FAll FALL fall fall fallllll falllll falfllfalfallfalafallllll if I say the mantra enough will it come? I’m…
To love and Corissa
There are people out there who say brown and black can’t mix, that silver and gold look tacky together, that a white sock simply cannot be matched with a gray and I want to say: who made all the fucking rules?! What God’s gift to humanity made all the damn lines you should not cross…