Words of widsom

Person who wishes to remain anonymous: If you want to be a better writer you’re going to have to pull it out of you. It’s in there. You just have to pull it out. It’s in your guts. Maybe even in your poop.

Me: I don’t want to dig around in my own poop.

PWWTRA: Maybe you have to dig around in your poop.


2 responses to “Words of widsom”

  1. And in the blood rushing out from your aorta.

    1. That’s much more poetic than poop. Well said. Poop is always good for a laugh, though 🙂 it oddly made sense – digging around in our own filth and waste. And then filtering through our blood, too – equally as important. We do write with our bodies – I suppose it’s all included in there. Xo

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