Summer in the City


4 responses to “Summer in the City”

  1. AH, these make me homesick for NYC, Rachel (not at all an unwelcome feeling). What a terrific set of images… I especially love the ‘ghostsneaks’ and the dream staircase. Thank you. L, C

  2. Glad they brought you back! I love visiting this city. Seeing the skyline is like seeing an organism, not just a set of buildings. I feel like I can see it bulging and breathing.
    Are you from NYC?

  3. I know what you mean about the skyline, Rachel. It is like an organism, heaving, sighing, breathing. I’m not from NYC, no, but I have visited it three times in the last five years and it made its way into my bloodstream… You will understand how that happens! I have very potent memories of NYC – one of the more momentous chunks of my life acted itself out there, in ways that were both passionate and painful and transformative. I can transport myself to a certain Brooklyn sidewalk in an instant. And to the taxi ramp at Penn Station… and the Whitney and Guggenheim and, and, and…! My hope is to return within the coming year or so. Meantime, I will savour your photographs! Thanks. L, C

  4. I do know what you mean. It’s an easy bus ride for me and then I get to walk around all day and come home with the city on me – like a dog who accidentally escaped the yard and comes home filthy and smiling. That’s me, yes.

    It’s amazing how we attach part of ourselves to places. Especially places that have changed us for whatever reason.

    Enjoy until you can come take your own!

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