It’s times like today when I’m completely overwhelmed with my work and what to do with that I wish I went to grad school – like someone there would magically poof it for me and all of it would come together. I’m literally without direction other than the random finds from the internet. How the hell do I put a collection together? God, I have bounds to learn. Would I be better having a mentor telling me everything I’m doing wrong or am I doing OK just doing it? I have like zero connections and even when I do finish mangling a collection together I have no one to read it. Hells bells.
I wish I could say I miss you today because I do, but I can’t. So I’ll put it here like an ad on a college rotunda in case you ever walk by.
In the meantime I’m going to keep reading Eileen Myles’ new and newer poems and I’m going to pretend that I can do anything.
And then I’m going to nerd out completely and watch Supernatural on Netflix and cry when it’s over because it’s the last episode of 6 seasons of a 3 month long marathon.


2 responses to “poof”

  1. Rachel, I think from among your readers, links and a very big world, more than one somebody to read your collection will appear. It will be a somebody with connections and ideas, offering solid ground for your next step. Meanwhile, let’s keep pretending we can do anything. It might even be true. xo

    1. rachvb Avatar

      Man, I hope so. On both accounts. I’ll try not to think about it until I have to – which always seems to be my problem. The work is more important than the worry.

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