Past noon on a whatday

When I woke up this morning I wasn’t sure what day it was. My hope was that it was Wednesday because Thursday I’m getting a massage, but I still need to shave my legs which might be a two-day affair – one never knows. That’s why I didn’t wish it was Thursday.

I’m sorry if lately I’ve been a horrible blogging buddy. I’ve been crabby and insecure and hating myself with means that I’ve been projecting that everyone else hates me too.
The other week we found ONE flea on Tula. ONE flea and we flipped out throwing blankets, clothes, pillows, Tula, vacuum cleaners. Ever since then I’ve felt itchy like there’s something on me. We told her to stop playing with the squirrels and dumped that nasty flea goo on her neck. She’s just recovering. Her fur was skanky for a few weeks like a dumpster goon had grabbed her with puss-grubby hands. I love you, cat, but you nasty. Slowly we are touching her head again.

I’m trying to gather a bunch of poems – see if I can do anything with them. Maybe just a chapbook or more, but I’ve never gathered them for anything very significant so I’m not sure what I’m doing. That seems to be a running theme.
I’ve also realized that the digital age has made us all cowards.

And I’ve ALSO realized that Lent makes everything smell like old tuna fish. Please start sinning again.

That is all.


2 responses to “Past noon on a whatday”

  1. I like your blog a lot. I’m excited for you to collect your work together – how wonderful. You know what has kept me chipper? Check this page out:

    You can search for residencies with fee waivers/scholarships all over the world, and find all kinds of interesting getaway opportunities that give writers and artists a place to work. I’m sure you’re already into all this, but P&W has an awesome literary mag database too. Really good, fun way to daydream about the arts…

    1. Thank you. I’m glad you keep coming back. It makes me feel like I’m doing a few small things OK.
      I’ve actually been wandering the P&W site all day! It’s nice to see all these things out there especially when you’re feeling like there’s nothing out there. We do have a place somewhere in it all.
      I applied for a residency thingy last month and should hear in May. Chances are slim, but so are chances for anything else out there. We just gotta keep plugging away.

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