I’ve been sick off and on for the past two weeks. Some awful allergy/cold combo that went away and snuck back on Christmas (red bow included). I’m about ready to cut my head off. Pat said the allergies may have started from our Xmas tree, but I told him to shut his mouth our tree is beautiful. He says it needs to come down… I said I’d wipe snot on his face. But until I can do that, the sandpaper bathroom tissue at work is the only way to clog the drainage. Ay dios mio.
Last year, on New Year’s day I climbed a damn mountain! This year, after being forced out by lovely friends and in-laws tonight, I’m going to curl myself into shell, bury my head in fleece and sleep. It’s been a busy year, my immune systems thinks so too. Yesterday, I was informed I have and will receive the Features Designer of the Year for my work in 2013. I did it! I fucking *cough* did it! Along with a bad ass gift card, I also wondered if I could get the following year off, but it seems unlikely. I’m here, working my ass off as long as they’ll have me.
This year, I’ve been away from the blog a lot. But I think I’ve needed space. It’s not that I haven’t been writing, I’ve just felt quiet. Which is OK. But I hope all of you, the one’s who’ve stuck around and I thank you for that, have a wonderful New year’s Eve and thank you for being a part of this past year with me.
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