But I will clean my house

Speaking of not cleaning my room…Lindsey is coming to visit on Monday for two weeks! I haven’t seen her since she left in October and since she left, my life has been about adaptation. It’s been growth. At work, in this self. I’ve been asked and asked myself to be stronger, more circular, more tidal. The tides are OK.

I keep thinking and stopping. This post may become worthless. I’ve been cleaning my room for her. Which nullifies everything I just wrote about, but there’s a difference between opening your door to an inner self and opening your door to a guest and having them sit in your dirt. Maybe those are the same things, I don’t know. No, they aren’t.

Lindsey is very aware of my dirt. My cluttered, eclectic artistic style as she calls it. A nice way of saying I hang on to too much shit and I don’t pick up a sponge enough.

So, dear, Lindsey. I am cleaning. And I just made art for your bedroom to make it looked like I actually decorated more in the 7 months that you have been gone. And I even cleaned my hair dryer for you because when you start to actually look at how you live sometimes, you realize that holding a hair dryer covered in hair spray goo is just not a nice way to live.

I hope my fanatically, sweated-over, unorganized clean house will look like a place you’d be OK to sleep in for two weeks. Please do not rearrange the items on my bathroom counter when you get here and I’m sorry if there are a few dust bunnies under your bedside table. I swear, I was on my knees hoping to catch them all.

I am rounded by the love of my friends. I am glad to have them all in one place again soon.


4 responses to “But I will clean my house”

  1. Lindsey Avatar

    HAHAHAH! OMg – I’m just now reading this. I love your artistic clutter – I’ve missed it so very much that I can’t wait to get to your house and wallow in it. I will adore every minute spent there because you will be there too. :o)
    PS – I promise not to rearrange the stuff on the bathroom counter. It’s an absent-minded tick, I think … something I do when I’m blow drying my hair. Looks like I need to get a new hobby …
    PSS – I might be bringing some spicey surprises. ;o)

    1. rachvb Avatar

      OH MY GOD YOU’RE BRINGING JULIOSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      I hope you only packed Julios and nothing else because I can drink 5 gallons. And I don’t care about your clothes.
      Be prepared to be wallowed!
      Where are you?! Of course, I have your number and could just ask you that, but this is more fun.
      SO excited for YOU!

  2. Lindsey Avatar

    Im still in SA-town. :o) I don’t leave until 4:30.
    Julios, julios, julios. But you gotsta be outside your mind if you think I’m not packing any clothes! haha. See you soooooonnnn. Or in, like, 12 hours or something.

    1. rachvb Avatar

      BOO! You should be on a plane and almost here and I shouldn’t be at work and waiting for you at home in the comfort of my home!
      You can wear salsa. The hs boys would definitely like that.

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