Disclaimer: Um, turn it up. Loud. Better if you just download the CD and drive around town with a subwoofer. You should probably be angry. Beat the steering wheel. Just left therapy? Even better. If rage could ever be uplifting, powerful – an orb boiling; warm like a nesting bird in your palm. Drum drum. Kick kick. Sing sing. Add your voice, roll down your window. Rage.


4 responses to “All my rage”

  1. Thank you.

    1. Steph,
      Thanks for the visit. I’m glad you found something in there.

  2. Rage can feel good with its power.

    1. rachelvb Avatar

      It can. I suppose that’s what’s scary about it, but this song isn’t scary, nor does it evoke a sense of abusive power. There is power, too, in letting go of rage or being free of it, giving it to the sea and the sun – things that have more energy to deal and disperse it. xoxo

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