I’m taking Thursday and Friday off to meet my folks in DC. I’m going to go to big bookstores and markets and galleries and new restaurants and see cherry blossoms and all things city and city people. This is my mom and me or mom-me or me and my mom or the person I will end up looking like, already look like minus the streaks. And my brother. Sorry, brother, I won’t see you in DC, just in this picture.


6 responses to “AHHH”

  1. Have a grand adventure. Maybe you can take a few of the politicians aside and talk some sense into them. If you are in Northwest, this is the neighborhood I knew the best. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adams_Morgan It was 1968, hippies as far as the eye could see. If there are any left, please look on them kindly. xo

    1. rachvb Avatar

      thank you! I hope to not see any politicians. I think they would ruin my weekend. BUT if I do, I will surely whack them on the head for you and all of us.
      That neighborhood looks fantastic! I may just have to check it out. Did you spend a lot of time there?
      My parents lived in LA in the 60s-late 70s. I’ll be very kind to the hippies, I was bred from a few of them. 😉
      I’ll take pictures!

  2. love this. enjoy your time with your folks!

    1. rachvb Avatar

      thank you, thank you! It will be nice to get away and think about other people working while I’m not working 😉

  3. Rachel, I didn’t spend a lot of time there, lived in DC a little less than a year but as I look back it was about 12 lifetimes, the intersecting of so many worlds. While I was there Dr. King and Bobby Kennedy (I was at the Senate office bldg. the morning he announced he was running for President) were assassinated, the business part of the neighborhood was left in ruins by the riots. Out-of-town visitors to our co-op plotted their mischief for the Chicago convention, a young Army office on his way to Vietnam wanted to put me in his will. There may not be such times again, certainly not for this aging flower child. It is a cool neighborhood. I haven’t been back since the 80s.

    1. rachvb Avatar

      Wow. What incredible strands of stories you wove into your life there. I can’t believe you were only there for a year, it seems like so much happened and did. I’m so struck by the man who wanted to put you in his will. I wonder what happened to him? You must have made quite an impression. I hope he made it back safely. There are so many stories we’ll never know about. I’m glad there are writers to tell them. Thank you so much for sharing this.
      I’ll be sure to wander around. Try to seek out the ghosts and the changes and the stories.

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