Slow news day. Things are happening, slowly, which my mom says is a good thing. Rationally, I agree with her. I wonder what in the baby’s mind flips the switch? Nature is weird, man. Why all of the sudden does the lightbulb turn on and it’s time for the baby to peace out? I have an appointment on Thursday, but whatever they tell me won’t mean much as far as when the baby will decide to flip the switch. Honestly, I just don’t want to be at work anymore =) No, that’s not true. I want to meet our baby, this little person that’s been digging it’s foot under my ribs for the past 3 months.
The good news, is this is my last week of work. YESSSSSSSSSSS.
I’m not that scared about the labor anymore. I’m more ready than anything. I read a good paragraph in a breast feeding book that said labor is just that – labor. It’s not injury pain, it’s the kind of pain athletes get when they are climbing mountains or using their muscles to the max. And the thing about the body is that it knows when you need a rest. In your mind, it might not feel like that, but your body isn’t going to break itself. I’ve had that athletic pain before. I know what that’s like. I’ve climbed and descended a 12,600 ft mountain for 8 hours with false peaks and I expect labor to be much harder than that, but the thing about Mt. Humphrey’s is Pat was right there leading me the whole time. Maybe it was my competitive nature that didn’t want him to beat me? Maybe it was companionship? Whatever it was, I followed him up that goddamned mountain, almost in tears, my lungs about to explode, with the most intense feeling of bodily exasperation I had ever experienced. But the top, the view. Oh man. The ridge of the Grand Canyon hiding to the North, Sedona red rocks glowing to the South, Flagstaff cradled into the mountains below us … and then the sinking realization that “shit, we have to climb back down” … at least with the baby, once we reach the top, we reach the top.
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